Monday, February 14, 2011

It is all about the gold.

It is all about the gold. It was in the beginning and so it will be in the end. Gold has been the focus for over 400,000 years when the Anunnaki first came to this planet to search and mine for it. If your not familiar with the story Google  Zecharia Sitchin or Michael Tellinger for more information. Gold was the focus of ancient cultures like the Egyptians and the Mayans. Today gold is supposedly the standard by which money is valued. I say supposedly because although it appears to be, money is really created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve for the reason of creating a debt enslaved society. (See Zeitgeist link for more details) If money were truly based on gold we would not be in this economic mess. A solid economy needs to be resource based.

Despite the illusion of money-debt system set up by the Federal Reserve and their supporters, they are still very interested in gold. In a recently circulated underground audio file, a man who is in the know explains what may happen in the near future. Here is the message of the MP3 but there is so much more in the recording!

The US borrowed $43 Trillion in Gold Bullion from the Chinese in the 1930's on a 75 year lease to kick start the economy again after the great depression! Then in 1999 the Bush/Cheney Cartel decided that they weren't going to pay it back so they started to ship it out from under the World Trade Centre to a secure location, they then bring the towers down along with WTC7 in 2001 to hide the evidence. Along came 2008 which was the end of the 75 year lease and guess what happened, a worldwide banking collapse which originated from the US.

Now the Chinese want to level the playing field and bring down the Bush/ Cheney Cartel which has crippled the US and World Economies over the last 30 years.China has been building up gold reserves over the last 6 years and has increased it by 75%!

Most people know by now that 911 was a inside job. It wasn't that a few things didn't add up but everything didn't add up! I'm not going into the details here but Zeitgeist and other sources have proved beyond any reasonable doubt that this was the case. If the Chinese take this action mentioned in this audio this could be the start of some big changes. We will just half to wait and see.

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